Tuesday, May 1, 2012

News fom the Nest

Monday, April 30, 2012

Several days after returning from April vacation, we were delighted to discover that a Robin took advantage of the unusually quiet atmosphere of the playground to build her nest on the first floor fire escape. 


By Friday, April 27th, she had laid four beautiful, blue eggs in the nest.

We learned that when a mother robin begins to lay eggs, she lays one egg a day until she reaches a total of four.

Students and teachers in several classrooms have become interested in the nest and have lots of observations and questions! On Thursday April, 26th, Children in ECC Brimmer wondered:

Where did the robin come from? Where was it born? Where did it hatch from? Ben
I should go in my mom’s office and Nancy’s office so I can see the bird. I saw the eggs under the bird. I saw how many eggs.  There are only three. Anshul
I wonder when the eggs are going to hatch? Bibi
Where did the bird come from? Jack
How long is the mama bird sitting on the egg? Chase
When are those eggs going to hatch? Kate
Why does the mama bird leave the nest? Chase
Can we bring the nest inside once all the birds have left? Mariella
How long will it take for the mama birds eggs to hatch? Tallulah
Is there an egg, inside the egg, inside the egg? Caleb
I think why the mommy is gone is that it is looking for a worm for the baby. Charlotte

I think the Robin is pretty.  Bruce 

Today, we noticed the mother bird leave the nest periodically for about 10-15 minutes. We also noticed another robin in the nearby maple tree with a worm in his mouth. Could he be the dad? We hope that the activity and noise from the playground won't scare the robins away.

We look forward to researching these questions by observing and reading more about robins.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Karen. It is such a lovely and warm and real story, and it's easy to see how the children are learning.
